Tuesday, December 22, 2009

17w 3d hunting

Over the past week, the blog has been on Christmas-stress-hiatus. I just wanted to drop in a note to say I still haven't felt fetal movement. However, the baby is about five inches (or even bigger if you count the legs) and when I get up in the morning and look down, all I see is the belly and my toes. This is a little intimidating, as I know there is a lot more growth to go. And the new pudgy love-handles around my back are not exactly endearing me to this process.

Andy found a Nerf toy that shoots foam darts and was having a ridiculously good time hunting the cats (and me) around the house with it last night. I wish I could've snapped an impromptu picture of him crouching with the toy in his outstretched hands, aiming for Walker Kitty Ranger in the opposite bedroom.

At one point, I was about to leave the bathroom when I heard him shout, "Come out, with your hands up." Doing so, however, did not save me from the wrath of the foam darts. My life would be so empty without this guy.

I can't wait to see him with his child.

From "Flying High" by Jem:
I feel so alive
Just want to hold you
Hold you so tight
And I'm flying so high
High off the ground
When you're around
And I can feel your high
Touching me inside
And it's too much to hide

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