Yesterday's doctor appointment went well. I had hoped for more ultrasound fun, but instead we heard the heartbeat again. I need to be patient for the big picture show in two weeks. Andy agrees that it will all seem a little more real -- and will be a little easier to imagine what's coming -- when we can start thinking in terms of "he" or "she." I just hope the little peanut cooperates.
They drew blood for the second trimester screening. I should hear back within ten days if there are any red flags (she said no news is good news). My blood pressure is still low, and my weight increased by around seven or eight pounds ("Looks like you had a little growth spurt," the nurse said.). Hmm.
Now I'm waiting for the phone call to set up the big ultrasound. As soon as it comes, I'll update the calendar of events here.
The initial surprise and pleasure of feeling the baby move hasn't worn off at all. But it is still a very rare occurrence, and I look forward to a few weeks from now when it will be a more noticeable and regular event.
Christmas is behind us and the New Year is hours away... the year that our baby will be born. Sometimes it seems that time is going by so slowly, and other times I wonder what happened -- where has it gone -- how is it possible that I'm 27 and married and a mother-to-be when yesterday I was playing Barbies and Nintendo on my summer vacation? How have my parents gone so quickly from their thirties to their fifties, how did my brother go from teenager to man in a millisecond?
I know, I really know that my little one will grow very quickly. Perhaps that's why I not only imagine life with an infant, but also life with an older child. I don't feel old enough for it all to be happening to me, this new role. Mommy, mom, mother... with this new center of gravity in my universe.
Happy New Year, everyone.
From "That Particular Time" by my favorite, Alanis Morissette.
At that particular time love had challenged me to stay
At that particular moment I knew not to run away again
That particular month I was ready to investigate with you
At that particular time